Congratulations! Tingyu and Yaoping’s work about liquid biopsy of lung cancer was published on Theranostics!
This work realizes a rapid liquid biopsy of lung cancer by separation and detection of exfoliated tumor cells from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) with a dual-layer PERFECT (precise, efficient, rapid, flexible, easy-to-operate, controllable and thin) filter system. A preliminary clinical trial enrolling 33 patients has been performed to verify the efficacy of the developed system.
The novel system possesses the following breakthroughs and advantages.
(1) This system enables a short time-to-result (<30 min), benefiting from the handling ability of large-volume clinical BALF samples (6-18 mL) of complex contents at a high filtration throughput (54.6% BALF specimens were filtrated within 3 min, and others could be finished completely within 10 min).
(2) A high detection sensitivity (80.0%) has been demonstrated, significantly higher than that from the conventional cytocentrifuge (45%). The sensitivity of this platform is neither interfered by the variations of turbidity of the BALF samples, nor associated with the types of lung cancer.
(3) This system is compatible with various downstream analysis platforms such as immunofluorescence/immunocytochemistry staining, FISH test, PCR, sequencing and even the AI-based automatic diagnosis, which will fulfill both clinical practices and advanced mechanism studies.
(4) The handiness in system set-up, ease of operation, wide adaptability and readiness for integration with related systems, will facilitate the developed system to find powerful applications in clinical practices, such as efficient separation and detection of rare tumor cells, fungi and bacteria from blood, urine, sputum etc.
Full text can be found:
Tingyu Li#, Yaoping Liu#, Wei Zhang, Jixin Zhang, Yan Xiong, Ligong Nie, Haichao Li* and Wei Wang*, A rapid liquid biopsy of lung cancer by separation and detection of exfoliated tumor cells from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid with a dual-layer “PERFECT” filter system, Theranostics, 2020; 10(14): 6517-6529.
Doi: 10.7150/thno.4427410 (14): 1591-1606.